This summary is from wikipedia. Most of stuff on this website is going to be from

"The overarching theme of this season is hypnosis. In Culture Shock, Brady Culture is hypnotizing the Soda Poppers. In Situation: Comedy, Myra has been hypnotized by the villains of episode 3, the Toy Mafia. And in episode 4, it seems that the Toy Mafia was merely one piece of an overarching plot by someone who has infiltrated the U.S. Government. This "person" is revealed in episode 5 to be The Internet itself who, it seems, was only a puppet of the true mastermind - Hugh Bliss, who has been attempting to hypnotize the entire world into becoming followers of the Prismatology cult. The cult itself is a parody of Scientology, with Prismatology primary theology based on Emetics, a parody of Dianetics. " I would tell you the last episode, but I don't want to ruin the surprise for most of you. Don't worry, it's a good ending.

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